Trijų dienų susitikimo metu dalyvės aptarė šiuolaikinius nacionalizmo, darbo, reprodukcinių teisių ir aktyvizmo klausimus. Pristatymuose buvo nagrinėjama Stambulo konvencija ir su ja susijusios problemos, feminizacija ir išnaudojimas pigaus darbo sektoriuje, liberalaus feminizmo ribos ir kritika. Šiais 2019 metais spalio 11-13 d. Kaune ir Vilniuje įvyks konferencija „Kova dėl lyčių Rytų Europoje. Socialistinės praeities palikimas ir šiuolaikinės problemos“ apie kurią visą informaciją rasite:
Kviečiame visas klausytis 2018 susitikimo pranešimų įrašų ir lauksime jūsų registracijos į konferenciją. Visi pranešimai anglų kalba.
Visus įrašus galite rasti čia.
On 24-26 August, 2018, the Eastern European Feminist Gathering in Kaunas, Lithuania, brought together around thirty feminists from different East-European contexts with both academic and activist backgrounds. This gathering aimed to establish contact and better communication between feminist activists in post-socialist countries, to understand the regional tendencies in gender politics, and to develop resistance strategies to the growing Right-wing political spectrum in the region and globally. During the three-day meeting, participants discussed, from a gender perspective, contemporary issues regarding nationalism, labour, reproductive rights, and activism. Presentations addressed the Istanbul Convention and related issues, feminization and exploitation in the cheap labour sector, and the limitations and critique of liberal feminism. This year we are inviting you to the international conference “Gender Struggle in Eastern Europe. Legacy of Socialist Past and Contemporary Problems”, October 11-13th in Kaunas and Vilnius, all the information about the conference and the registration can be found on
You can find the recordings of the presentations and discussions of International Feminist Gathering 2018 below. All the presentations are in English.
All recordings can be found here.
DAY 1. Nationalist discourse in EE: between the great Family (Nation) and the great Evil (Other)
– Selin Çağatay. Gender politics and varieties of authoritarian populism: Comparative perspectives between EE and Turkey
– Carolina V. On Many Shapes of Rising Fascism in Romania
– Jana Kujundzic. Sexual violence and anti-gender initiatives in Croatia
– Kalina Drenska. The public discourse around the ratification of the Istanbul Convention in Bulgaria: reactionary conservatism, liberal elitism and the missing leftist perspective
– Discussion after Jana Kujundzic’s and Kalina Drenska’s presentations
DAY 2. Gender and Labour
– Artemisa Liarja. Making a Global Poverty Chain: Export Footwear Production in Eastern and Central Europe
– Eglė Ambrasaitė. On situation of sewing factory “Lankesa” (1974-1999) and now
– Jolanta Bielskienė. Austerity Policies in Lithuania: impact on women‘s socio-economic situation. Is it still relevant?
DAY 3. Feminism in EE, what is to be done?
– Introduction by moderator Asta Volunge
– Kristina Cajkovicova. Reflection about Czech feminist movement (apologies for the quality of the recording)
– Anna Adamczyk, Kinga Stanczuk. Black Protest. Reinventing feminist resistance in Poland