
Larry Summers

Ar dirbtinis intelektas sunaikins žmoniją? (1 dalis)

Ar dirbtinis intelektas sunaikins žmoniją? (1 dalis)

„Kai kurie technooptimistai įsivaizduoja tokias dirbtinio intelekto utopijas, kad Karlas Marxas šalia jų atrodo be vaizduotės. „Guardian“ pernai išleido trumpametražį dokumentinį filmą, kuriame – nuo 2016 iki 2019 m. atlikti interviu su „OpenAI“ vyriausiuoju mokslininku Ilja Suckeveriu. Pastarasis be skrupulų pareiškia: „DI išspręs visas dabartines mūsų problemas. Jis panaikins nedarbą, ligas ir skurdą. Bet taip pat jis sukurs ir naujų problemų.“

Political Economist Jeffrey Sommers: on Baltic Inflation, Protecting Rich Grannies and Bending EU Fiscal Rules

Political Economist Jeffrey Sommers: on Baltic Inflation, Protecting Rich Grannies and Bending EU Fiscal Rules

But the other thing that property taxes do is take housing prices down. Every family, every household has a certain amount of money for housing – that’s the money they have for it and they won’t have more. And somebody is going to get that money. It’s either going to the state, in part through taxation, and will be used for kindergartens, healthcare, national defense, paving roads, all these things that are actually productive and help people and the economy. Or it can go to banks. As the property tax goes down, the housing price goes up because there’s more money available for the purchase of a property. Banks love that, because that means larger mortgages, larger fees, larger commissions and more debt service payments. The argument that you’ll get from the banks and the real estate sector as to why this is a bad idea is that they’re protecting grandma.