
„ChatGPB and a half“: Qassem from Gaza – „You don’t destroy political thought by weapons”

For Qassem Ali, the conflict began in his childhood and continues to this day. A couple of weeks ago, Qassem fled Gaza, leaving behind his mother and sister, a house that has been destroyed for the third time, and the bodies of his relatives, who have been lying in the rubble for a month and a half now.


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After the 7th of October attack on Israel, Lithuanian politicians and media joined the „civilisational war” against Hamas. In the first weeks of the so-called war, almost unquestioned support for Israel was expressed at every hour, by every possible means. The Palestinians were mentioned as a number, and the occupation and the blockade were only in passing. Any attempt to recall the history prior to 7th of October or to talk about the disproportionate loss of civilian life was, and still is, attempted to be dismissed by the accusation of antisemitism and/or support for Hamas.

But the conflict did not start in October. For Qassem Ali, the conflict began in his childhood and continues to this day. A couple of weeks ago, Qassem fled Gaza, leaving behind his mother and sister, a house that has been destroyed for the third time, and the bodies of his relatives, who have been lying in the rubble for a month and a half now. As he says, this war is not against Hamas. This war is against everything that is alive in Gaza, and even against the sands of it. Destroying Hamas does not destroy the idea of resistance, because ideas cannot be destroyed by weapons.

Until Gaza and the Palestinians are free, the whole world will suffer.

-Video sutitruotas lietuviškai-

Po spalio 7-osios atakos prieš Izraelį, Lietuvos politikai ir žiniasklaida masiškai prisijungė prie „civilizacinio karo“ prieš Hamas. Pirmomis taip vadinamo karo savaitėmis beveik nekvestionuotina parama Izraeliui buvo reiškiama kiekvieną valandą, visomis įmanomomis priemonėmis. Palestiniečiai minimi kaip skaičiai, o okupacija ir blokada – lyg tarp kitko. Bet kokie bandymai priminti istoriją iki spalio 7-osios ar kalbėti apie neproporcingai didelias civilių žūtis buvo ir vis dar yra bandomi tildyti pasitelkus antisemitizmo ir/ar parama Hamas kaltinimu.

Bet konfliktas neprasidėjo spalį. Qassem Ali konfliktas prasidėjo vaikystėje ir tęsiasi iki šiol. Prieš porą savaičių Qassem pabėgo iš Gazos, ten turėjęs palikti mamą ir seserį, jau trečią kartą sugriautą namą ir jau pusantro mėnesio griuvėsiuose gulinčius giminių kūnus. Kaip jis sako, šitas karas yra ne prieš Hamas. Šis karas yra prieš visa, kas Gazoje gyva ir net prieš patį Gazos smėlį. Sunaikinus Hamas, pasipriešinimo idėjos nesunaikinsi, nes idėjos ginklu nesunaikinamos.

Kol Gaza ir palestiniečiai nebus laisvi, kentės visas pasaulis.

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